Crazy World, Good God (Week 9)
A study through 1st and 2nd Peter – “Crazy World, Good God” – II Peter 1:1-15
- The rise of false teachers made things worse for God’s people by the time Peter wrote his second letter. How do false teachers amplify the suffering of God’s people?
- How does all of God’s power come to us through His Word? (II Peter 1:3)
- Explain how a person is to diligently labor for spiritual growth and change, (II Peter 1:5, II Peter 1:10; Philippians 2:12) while not becoming a legalist who believes their spiritual lives are now all up to their works (Galatians 3:1-3)
- Why does Peter say if you “practice” rather than “believe” these things, you will never stumble? (II Peter 1:10) How do people who don’t practice these things stumble?
Challenge 2021
“One A Week”
Every week try and share the gospel with at least one person!
Reading challenge
Continue reading through the Bible!