Nehemiah 6

Nehemiah 6

  1. When have you seen people allow people into their lives who are detrimental to them? Why do people do that? (Nehemiah 6:1-2, 17-19)
  2. Why did Nehemiah continue to ignore his enemies. When would that be appropriate for us? (Nehemiah 6:2-5) How does that fit with the call to love our enemies? (Matthew 6:43-48)
  3. How were the people in that day suppose to know who was telling the truth Nehemiah or Geshmu? (Nehemiah 6:6-7) When do people today struggle to discern who is telling the truth?
  4. How could all the prophets be on the wrong team? (Nehemiah 6:10-14) What can we learn from that?

Challenge 2025

Keep sharing your faith as a way of life!!