Christ and the Coronavirus
- With everyone’s mind and emotions in overdrive, are people generally thinking and feeling in ways that are helpful? Why or why not?
- What stands out to you about David’s counseling himself in Psalm 27:1-6?
- Certainly, David’s counseling himself on the Word of God lead to joy (27:6) even though it did not change his circumstances. How could you do the same?
- What do you find most impactful about David’s prayer in the midst of total chaos in his life? (Psalm 27:7-12) Pray through these verses.
- What is David’s great hope? (27:13-14) How did counseling himself and prayer, result in joy and waiting on the Lord?
- How would you rate yourself in regards to biblically counseling yourself and praying in order to experience joy and patience in difficulty?
Fellowship Challenge
Reach out to two others from Providence this week. Pray with them, encourage them, and find out if there are ways you can serve them.
Fight Verse Challenge
Share the verses you memorized out of Proverbs 1 with someone else!