Christianity Astray (Week 12)
- Why do so many people believe all roads lead to God? How would you bring up with someone, that all roads but Jesus lead to demons? (I Corinthians 10:15-22)
- List five things that are lawful but not profitable (I Cor 10:23)
- In a world that says “do what makes you happy”, God says, do what is good for others. How is that radically different? (I Cor 10:24)
- How does doing everything for God’s glory bless others? (I Cor 10:31-33)
- What practical application can you think of for these verses?
Evangelism Challenge
Give someone a generous tip this week and a tract. Try and give an explanation for why you are giving them the tract.
Encouragement Challenge
Call 3 members of Providence this week in order to encourage them!