Christianity Astray (Week 15)

I Corinthians 12:1-8,11

  1. Paul says the evidence of being truly Spirt filled, is it not speaking in tongues, but acknowledging Jesus as Lord. What does that mean? (12:3, Matt 7:21, I john 2:3-4)
  2. Why do some have more glamorous gifts and bigger influences than others? (I Cor 12:5-6) Have you ever wished for a different gift or level of influence?
  3. How have you benefited from someone with the gift of Wisdom? (12:7-8) Do you feel you have this gift?
  4. How have you benefited from someone with the gift of Knowledge? (12:7-8) Do you feel you have this gift?
  5. How are the spiritual gifts a manifestation of God? (12:7)

Evangelism Challenge

Share your faith with someone this week and then give testimony of how it went at your small group!

Fellowship Challenge

Pick your large section of verses for this summer’s memorization challenge.