Christians and the Corona Virus

  1. Which current events most tempt you to worry? (virus, your job security, stock market, your finances, etc.)
  2. Read John 14:27. How can God give you an emotion like peace? Do you feel like you have received that peace?
  3. Read I John 4:18. Do you think the love of God could remove fears related to the Corona Virus and the economy? How would you explain that to an unbeliever?
  4. If God is speaking peace to you today, how do you respond so folly does not overtake you? (Psalm 85:8)
  5. With our city and nation largely in melt down over the Corona Virus and economy, what ideas do you have for getting the gospel out to the scared and hurting people around you?

Fellowship Challenge

With the unique challenges facing all of us, and this brief interruption to our corporate fellowship, we want to encourage you to deepen your connection to one another. Therefore, we want to challenge you to reach out to, encourage, and pray with two different members of Providence each week!