Community, Mission, Renovation

The Mission of the Church – Community, Mission, Renovation

  1. If God’s glory is the ultimate goal of everything we do as believers, how would you tell someone what it means to glorify God? (I Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 5:16)
  2. What are the most challenging issues to doing life together in community (biblical “one another’s”)? Do you think most believers are good at doing life in community?
  3. If missionary work is the calling for all believers, how do you feel believers are doing at their calling? How would you rate yourself? (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)
  4. If renovation “Sanctification” is the outcome of obedient faith, why do many think they can become mature without growing in faithful obedience? (II Peter 1:5-9)

Challenge 2021

“One A Week”

Share the gospel with a least one person a week!

Reading challenge

Continue reading through the Bible!