Competing Kingdoms (Week 2)
A study over the Book of Daniel – Chapter 2
- Why does God choose to keep us informed of what is to come? Isaiah 46:10, 48:3
- What things has He told you will come about in your future?
- Why does Daniel not freak out even when his life is on the line, but rather responds with discretion and discernment. (Daniel 2:12-14) In your experience, are Christians normally that composed under difficulty, or do they tend to freak out even over much smaller issues? Why?
- With an election upon us, what can we gleam from verses 20-23 of chapter 2 that will help us process the election biblically?
- Daniel certainly had a heritage of faith that came from the men who had gone before him. How well do you think men are doing today, at passing along a testimony of strong faith that will help their kids stand firm against a Babylonian like culture? (Daniel 2:23)
Fight Verse
Isaiah 48:3 “I declared the former things long ago and they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them. Suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.”
Evangelism Challenge
Share the gospel with one person this week!