Counting the Cost – Deacon Brandon Dempsey
Counting the Cost
- In terms of the choices you make, what does it mean in your own words, to be a disciple of Christ?
- What did Jesus mean when he said “no one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”? What are some of the things that we might be tempted to look back at? (Luke 9:62)
- What does Jesus mean when he says we should “hate” our Father, Mother, and even our own lives? How do you think a non-believer would react to that? (Luke 14:26)
- What are some practical ways that we can “pick up our cross” and follow Jesus when we consider the actions God would have us take? (Matthew 16:24)
Evangelism Challenge
Share your faith with someone this week and then give testimony of how it went at your small group!
Fellowship Challenge
Pick your large section of verses for this summer’s memorization challenge.