Crazy World, Good God (Week 7)
A study through 1st and 2nd Peter – “Crazy World, Good God” – I Peter 4:1-11
- How does suffering lead to sinning or serving? Can you give any examples you have observed?
- Why are there no classes in school on how to suffer? I Peter 4:1-4
- How would you distinguish between suffering for foolishness, suffering as a result of Adamic sin, suffering as a result of demonic attack, Eschatological suffering, or suffering for righteousness?
- How can we respond to suffering by serving? I Peter 4:8-11
- What does it take to have serving as our natural response to suffering? Is that your natural response?
Challenge 2021
“One A Week”
Every week try and share the gospel with at least one person!
Reading challenge
Continue reading through the Bible!