
Ecclesiology – Deacon Brandon Dempsey

  1. Looking back at the beginning of the church from Pentecost, can you think of some notable Christian examples who, like Paul, have helped to spread the gospel? What could you learn from their example? And how has their work contributed to your knowledge of Christ and the growth of the church? (Acts 13:48-49)
  2. Thinking back on some metaphors of the church seen in the Bible. Which one stands out the most to you?
    • a. The king and the loyal subjects (Matthew 25:34)
      b. The creator and the creation (Ephesians 2:10)
      c. The shepherd and the sheep (John 10:14-16)
      d. The master and the slave (Ephesians 6:9)
      e. The Father to children (1 John 3:1)
  3. Jesus spoke to the crowd saying “Who are My mother and My brothers?”, what does that show us about the church and our relationship with each and Jesus? (Mark 3:31)
  4. Out of the three purposes of the church discussed, which one stands out to you the most, and how do you see yourself as being an active participant in those?

Challenge 2022

Pray and plan for the first Sunday of the month to join in an outreach to our community!

Reading challenge

Continue reading through the Bible! Pick a chapter!