
Galatians – Elder Brian Rohe

  1. How do the desires of the Spirit and the flesh, being in opposition, keep believers from doing what they want? Galatians 5:17
  2. How can this battle completely disabling/encouraging to a believer? 2 Peter 1:8-9 Yet who has won this battle of desires? Galatians 5:24
  3. Describe the truth of how God works in us Philippians 2:13. And yet we are also to walk / keep step with the Spirit to bear fruit Galatians 5:16,25
  4. In what ways can it be helpful to view the fruit of the Spirit as a fruit and not a “work”. Galatians 5:19-23, John 15:5-6
  5. In what ways has God made a sow and reap world? Why are we deceived about it? Does it feel like we’re mocking God when we’re deceived about it? Galatians 6:7-8

Challenge 2024

Keep sharing your faith as a way of life!!