Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Jesus was above all a disciple maker. He spent His life telling others of the Kingdom of God and calling them to come give away their lives to follow Him. We too must be disciple makers.
This involves sharing the Gospel as well as teaching those who have responded to trust and obey God in all things.
This instruction involves more than the transfer of information, it involves living life together in a way that the disciple sees the life of God modeled for them.
To do this we want to connect those who are mature in their faith with those who are new to the faith, in order to help them grow in their understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. We have created a “Discipleship Tool Box” which includes some key supplemental readings to assist in deepening your relationship with Christ.
This involves sharing the Gospel as well as teaching those who have responded to trust and obey God in all things.