Kindness and Severity
“Kindness and Severity – Romans 11:22 and Numbers 16:1-40” – Elder Brian Rohe
- What might it look like in the believer’s life if they were to behold God’s severity but not his kindness? Or if they were to behold God’s kindness but not his severity? Romans 11:22
- Korah quickly assembled a rebellion (Numbers 16:3). What aspects of his message were most compelling? Do you think similar dissension occurs in churches today? (1Corinthians 10:11) How so?
- Korah’s family was swallowed (Numbers 16:32). A jailor and his family in Acts were saved. (Acts 16:31)
- God often deals with us in the context of a connected group (i.e., body, household, nation, human race, local church) Does this bring you any comfort or concern? Why?
- What might a gospel message look like if it were to behold God’s severity but not his kindness? Or if it were to behold God’s kindness but not his severity? Romans 11:22
Challenge 2021
“One A Week”
Share the gospel with at least one person this week!
Reading challenge
Continue reading through the Bible! Pick a chapter from the Book of Psalms and memorize it this summer!