Nehemiah Week 5

Nehemiah Week 5

  1. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good with money? Why should a leader be good with money?
  2. Why was money such a big problem among God’s people in the book of Nehemiah? (Nehemiah 5:1-13) In what ways do God’s people struggle with money today?
  3. How did Nehemiah model the use of money in way that we can imitate? (Nehemiah 5:14-19)
  4. How should the fact that every passage on debt in the Bible is negative? (Proverbs 22:7, 26-27; Romans 13:8; Psalm 37:21, Exodus 22:25-27) Do you think that is how Christians see it?

Challenge 2025

Keep sharing your faith as a way of life!!