Palm Sunday Sermon

  1. Would you agree with the statement; “Satan’s number one command is do what you want”? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think people are looking for teachers today, to tell them what they want to hear? (II Tim 3:13, 4:2-4) IF so, what things do they want to hear?
  3. Do you think one reason God saved you, is so you would obey Him? Why or why not? (John 14:15, 21, 23)
  4. Were the people that first Palm Sunday looking for Jesus to help them do what they wanted, or looking to do whatever Jesus wanted? Why? (John 12:12-16, 19:12-15)
  5. We all struggle with wanting to do what we want to do, even while continuing in a rhythm of religious activities. Where are you tempted to do what you want to do?

Fellowship Challenge

Call or get with 2 individuals from Providence this week that you have not yet reached out to since we stopped being able to gather. Pray for them, encourage them, see if there is any way you can assist them.

Evangelism Challenge

Think of any people you have not shared the gospel with and reach out to them and ask them if you can share the hope you have in Christ.