Be Ready for the return of Jesus – Elder Rene Flores

Matthew 25:1-13

  1. Why did Israel not recognize Jesus as Messiah? John 1:10
  2. At a glance, could you see the difference between the Wise bridesmaid and the Foolish? How can you tell? Matthew 13:24-30
  3. If Jesus is God, how is it that He doesn’t even know the time of His return but God our Father knows? Philippians 2:6
  4. How can you be prepared for His coming? Is there a way we can know? 2 Timothy 3:5
  5. Bonus! What are the recurring themes in this parable? Why does Jesus repeat them?

Memory Verse – Matthew 24:44

Therefore, you also be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.

Evangelism Challenge

Share your faith with someone this week and then give testimony of how it went at your small group!

Fellowship Challenge

Pick your large section of verses for this summer’s memorization challenge.