“Crazy World, Good God” – I Peter 1
A study through 1st and 2nd Peter – I Peter 1 – “Crazy World, Good God”
- What seems most crazy to you about our world?
- How could Peter be filled to overflowing with joy, amidst the craziness of unending trials and suffering in this world? (I Peter 1:6-8)
- How is the refining of gold similar to the refining of faith? (I Peter 1:7) When have you been encouraged by someone who had their faith refined through trials?
- When have you had an event in your life that was so joyful there were not even words to describe it? How have you experienced that inexpressible joy in regards to Jesus? (I Peter 1:8)
- Why would angels be fascinated by how God handles us? (I Peter 1:12)
Challenge 2021
“One A Week”
Share your faith with one person a week!
Reading challenge
Select one of the reading plans handed out at Providence or find one online, and begin reading through the Bible this year!