Crazy World, Good God (Week 3)
A study through 1st and 2nd Peter – I Peter 2 – “Crazy World, Good God” (Week 3)
- God wants us to grow healthy spiritually. (I Peter 2:1-2) On a scale of 1-10, How would you rate the spiritual health of Christians today? Why?
- If the items listed in I Peter 2:1 are part of your diet, you will be very unhealthy spiritually. Which do you find most difficult to put aside?
- Some find Jesus to be of “Precious value” (I Peter 2:6-7) while others take offense (I Peter 2:8). How are we to understand this, in a day where everyone wants to redefine Jesus?
- How does growing spiritually relate to “proclaiming God’s excellencies”? (I Peter 2:9) How do you proclaim His excellencies?
- Do you know many Christians who keep their behavior “excellent”? (I Peter 2:12) Describe what that means?
Challenge 2021
“One A Week”
Share your faith with one person a week!
Reading Challenge
Continue reading through the scriptures in order to read the entire Bible this year!