Easter Sunday Sermon – 2020
- Why do you think people are more concerned about the Coronavirus than sin?
- Which is easier to avoid, the coronavirus or sin? Why?
- From God’s perspective the gospel is the primary issue. (I Cor 15:1-4) Do you feel that Christians make the gospel primary, or do you feel they focus more on other things?
- God says one infraction against His law makes us guilty of breaking everything He said. (James 2:10) However, Jesus died for our sins, so do we really need to concern ourselves with whether we sin or not? (Rom 6:4-12)
- What do you think of Jesus kindness towards His followers considering they did not believe and go to Galilee to meet Him? (Matt 26:32, John 20:19-22) What might this mean for us when we lack faith?
Fellowship Challenge
Call or text someone each day this week for encouragement and fellowship.
Evangelism Challenge
Think of any people you have not shared the gospel with and reach out to them and ask them if you can share the hope you have in Christ.