Jonah – Chapter Four
Have someone recite verses they have memorized from Proverbs 1!
Read Jonah Chapter 4.
- What stands out to you in Jonah 4?
- Why is Jonah such an unhappy servant? (3:10-4:1) What does that say about who he thinks should really be in control? Have you ever found yourself unhappy in your service to God?
- How could Jonah be so concerned for an insignificant plant, but not concerned at all for 120,000 people? (4:9-11s)
- How could Jonah’s heart be so unlike God’s, even while being a believer and a prophet?
- What does this chapter and book reveal about God?
- What are some appropriate applications you have come up with from Jonah?
Evangelism Challenge January – March
Have 2-3 people you are daily praying for and weekly reaching out to.
Memorization Challenge January – March
Memorize Proverbs 1!