Providence Church Music Lyrics For December 20, 2020
Services for Sunday December 20, 2020 will be held inside at our normal location, 11202 Steeplecrest Dr. Our Christmas 2020 church service will be at 10AM. Come on out and join us!
This weeks Sermon will be “Worship or Curse Christ?”. Christmas 2020. Pastor Troy will be performing the service.
If you are unable to make it, you can watch it live on the Providence Church Facebook page. As always, the sermon will be posted on our website as well as our YouTube channel .
Below are the lyrics that have been provided for the songs being performed at the service. The songs will be performed in the following order:
O Come Emmanuel
He Shall Reign Forevermore
Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
O Come All Ye Faithful | We Adore You
Hark The Herald Angels Sing | King Of Heaven
Joy To The World | Unspeakable Joy
Feel free to download or print the lyrics so you can join in!
Merry Christmas!
Providence Church
O Come Emmanuel
Verse 1
O come O come Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel
Shall come to thee O Israel
Verse 2
O come O Son of God most high
Deliver us from sinfulness and pride
Restore in us a child-like heart
To consecrate and set us apart
O come O come Emmanuel
O come O come Emmanuel
O come O come Emmanuel
O come O come Emmanuel O O
Verse 3
O come O Savior of this world
The long awaited promise You foretold
And right the wrongs that man has done
We pray Your glori’ous Kingdom come
Get access to all song lyrics for the December 20, 2020 service by clicking the button below so you can download or print