Christianity Astray (Week 1)
I Corinthians 1:1-17
- How could the Corinthians be both sanctified saints (1:2) and be consumed by arguments, immorality, drunkenness and many other sins?
- How could Paul begin with such encouraging words, while they are doing so poorly? (1:4-9)
- What does it mean to exhort (1:10)? Have you ever been exhorted or exhorted someone else? Explain.
- Why would the Corinthians join behind a certain leader, and then battle against others who rally behind a different leader? (1:10-12) How does that happen today?
- What would it mean to try and be cleaver with the gospel, rather than just straight sharing the gospel? Do you ever see that today?
- What applications can you think of for your life, based on these first eighteen verses.
Evangelism Challenge January – March
Pick 2-3 people that you will commit to pray daily for and reach out to weekly.
Memorization Challenge January – March
Memorize the first chapter of Proverbs.