Christianity Astray (Week 3)
I Corinthians Chapter 2
- How would you describe what it means to be “spiritual”? How does that differ from the world’s definition?
- How could Paul bring a message of power, while he was fearful, weak, and trembling? (I Cor 2:3-4)
- Give some examples of the differences between God’s wisdom and man’s. (2:6-7)
- If God revealed His mind to us, how should we feel towards believers who mess with His truths? (2:9-10)
- How does Paul describe the one who is spiritual? (2:14-16)
- In a day were so many want to divorce the Spirit’s leading from the Word of God, how does this passage validate or invalidate that approach?
Evangelism Challenge January – March
Keep memorizing Proverbs chapter 1!
Memorization Challenge January – March
Pick 2-3 people in your life to reach out to with the gospel over the first 3 months of 2020. Pray for them daily and reach out to them weekly!