Christianity Astray (Week 6)
1 Corinthians Chapter 5 “Judging Like Jesus”
- In our day, people are proud of being tolerant. How do you think people feel when you say that Jesus judges’ people?
- While tolerance is seen as humility in our day, how does Paul and by extension God view their tolerance? (5:1-2)
- What would humility be in regard to grievous sin, according to these verses? (5:2-3) If that is humility, why do so many churches not take that approach?
- What do you think Paul means by turning them over to Satan? (5:5)
- How does Gods judgment here fit with Matthew 7:1-6?
- What if any implications would this have for someone with a sibling or grown child that claimed to be a Christian or had made a profession of faith, yet was living in this type of unrepentant sin? (I Cor 5:11-13, II Thess 3:6, 14)
Evangelism Challenge January – March
Continue praying for and reaching out to the 2-3 people in your life that you have committed to reach with the gospel!
Memorization Challenge February
Continue memorizing your way through Proverbs Chapter 1!