Providence Church Music Lyrics For November 15, 2020

Band on stage

Services for Sunday November 15, 2020 will be held outside at our normal location, 11202 Steeplecrest Dr. The equipping hour is at 9AM. Regular church service will be at 10AM. Come on out and join us!

This weeks Sermon will be “Competing Kingdoms (Week 8)”. This will be in Book of Daniel Chapter 8. Pastor Troy will be performing the service.

If you are unable to make it, you can watch it live on the Providence Church Facebook page. As always, the sermon will be posted on our website as well as our YouTube channel .

Below are the lyrics that have been provided for the songs being performed at the service. The songs will be performed in the following order:

Be Magnified
Sovereign Over Us
Lord of Hosts
On Christ the Solid Rock
It Is Well With My Soul
All Hail the Power of Jesus

Feel free to download or print the lyrics so you can join in!

Providence Church

Be Magnified


Be magnified be magnified be magnified
O Lord be magnified
Be glorified be glorified be glorified
O Lord be glorified


Let all who seek You
Rejoice and be glad
And let all who love Your salvation
Say over and over again


O Lord I am poor and needy
O Lord listen to my prayer
For You are my help
You are the One Who saves me
And I will praise Your holy name
I’ll praise Your name

Get access to all song lyrics for the November 15, 2020 service by clicking the button below so you can download or print